Showcasing its innovative facade systems

With a focus on facade innovation, Benx has participated in the Tall Buildings Conference held in Birmingham on June 13th, 2023. In seeking to push the boundaries of design, functionality, and sustainability, Benx impressed attendees with their tall building facade systems.

The Tall Buildings Conference drew crowds of industry professionals, architects, and design enthusiasts. Benx participated by displaying a range of state-of-the-art facade systems, inviting visitors to explore the “future of facades“.

A team of knowledgeable Benx representatives engaged in lively discussions, sharing insights and expertise on their showcased facade systems. The booth served as a hub for exchanging ideas, fostering connections, and forging partnerships that will shape the future of sustainable building design.

Centre stage on the Benx stand was unquestionably Benx’s latest facade system, Safewall. Combining aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability, this system demonstrated the company’s commitment to redefining the possibilities of modern architecture. With its adaptive,  energy-efficient features, and seamless integration, the system generated much interest among attendees.

The Tall Buildings Conference also provided an excellent opportunity for networking and collaboration. Attendees from diverse backgrounds, including architecture, construction, engineering, and sustainability, converged  fostering meaningful connections and igniting collaborative efforts to shape the future of urban landscapes.

With their successful display at the Tall Buildings Conference, Benx solidified their position as a key participant in the field of modern building facades. By pushing the boundaries of architectural excellence and sustainability, Benx continues to reshape skylines, inspire creativity, and contribute to a more vibrant future


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