Completed in November 2015, this mixture of solid brick, REEMA, Tru Steel, No Fines and Old Tanks refurbishments across Derby which received a mixture of GDHIF funding, a Derby City Council loan facility and a regeneration grant, successfully delivered a .30 u-value calculation, down from 2.1 using the SPSenvirowall grey EPS board with a mixture of a colour through render finish, dash or brick effect, which was installed by Westville Group.
The Challenges
Westville was tasked with the management of a scheme across multiple construction types and multiple estates whilst using GDHIF and its continuously changing criteria and size to help homeowners finance the works.
One particular challenge faced by Westville were dwellings on Eton Drive, which are built from the skins of old tanks causing issues with drilling. This was overcome by the
manufacturing of bespoke drilling bits. Westville successfully delivered 100 houses in 2015, to deadline, with high levels of customer satisfaction.
One particular CSCO area, a high priority within the city, received a much needed boost to help the fuel poor. The designs look great and have kept the look and feel of the area whilst blending in with the various new build projects.
Nick Peel from Derby City Council says:
“In 2015 Derby City Council launched a programme offering homeowners a fully managed service installing solid wall and loft insulation. Westville Ltd was appointed, following a single-stage tender procedure, as the preferred installer and since then the partnership has resulted in over 100 homeowners signing up to the programme.
With customer satisfaction ratings averaging 96% and deemed carbon emission reduction to date of over 3,300 lifetime tonnes, Westville and Derby City Council continue to demonstrate, through quality of service, a commitment to improving home comfort, reducing energy bills and meeting climate change targets”.

Derby City Scheme Case Study
Wall System 2 with GEPS, brick effect render, decorative dash
and silicone render transforms homes in Derby.