The Junction 3 development comprises of 59 affordable homes incorporating sustainable, energy saving materials, also generating a Creative Learning Zone, library, crèche, community meeting rooms, and seven retail units. The homes were built to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3, while the other elements of the project all achieved a BREEAM ‘Very Good’ rating.
The scheme was undertaken by Leadbitter as part of a partnership between Knightstone Housing Association, Bristol City Council and the Big Lottery Community Libraries Programme. This unique design and striking aesthetical appearance was coordinated with the client and GCP Architects located in Bristol and has become a focal building visual at the end of the M32 leading into Bristol City Centre.
This mixed use development provided many challenges to the skill set of sub contract companies mainly that of Woodman Bros of Pucklechurch, Bristol who was the approved applicator to the specified SPSenvirowall render systems used.
With such a variance of substrate changes this utilised a variety of SPSenvirowall BBA approved render solutions and finishes and required the technical abilities of the design team from all companies to interface these abutment details amongst others accordingly.
With feature curve walls, waving bulkheads and interchanging colours between the renders installed onto varying substrates such as timber frame, shear concrete walls, blockwork and secondary steel frame utilising the SPSenvirowall TS Rail, RendaClad, Insulated render to sheathing board and render only systems this tested the Woodman Bros ability to the limited who delivered providing a high quality finish.
The £460,000 façade package utilised a high performing silicone render topcoat with bold statement colours and the use of the innovated acrylic brick slip system.
The scheme was complete in October 2013 to the satisfaction of the client and main contractor and the local residents of the Bristol City community.

Junction 3 Case Study
SPSenvirowall TS Rail, RendaClad, Insulated render to sheathing board and
render only systems utilised for Junction 3.