Merthyr Town project is a blended funded programme consisting of Welsh Government Funding, Eco and Landlord contribution. The aim of the project is to improve the thermal and energy efficiency of 120 private dwellings and 70 registered provider properties, to reduce fuel bills and enhance the appearance of the area.
The six month programme to deliver energy efficiency was successfully achieved despite several challenges, which included structural repairs and re-roofing, to be signed off at various stages. With each property taking an average of 4-5 weeks to complete, the employment of extra labourers in the local area was required in order to achieve the time scale set.
Due to the success of delivering this contract on time, extra funding for a further 122 properties was awarded, providing sustainable employment for these working on the original scheme. Subject to the structural survey, the properties, which initially provided a thermal performance of 2.1w/m2k, had its external façade removed to undertake the remedial work before applying a newly installed 18mm sheathing board.
The specification then consisted of SPSenvirowall 100mm Lambdatherm EPS insulation with a dash aggregate finish that achieved a new thermal rating of 0.26w/m2k. Structural engineers Curtains, found that on average, 90% of the steel frame building required remedial action either strengthening or replacing the structural stanchions. These works ranged from welding repairs at 400mm high to complete a replacement of the five metre stanchions.
Due to the complexity of these properties, SPSenvirowall and Joyners had to work closely with the structural engineers to overcome the building fabric concerns before the EWI could be applied. In some cases the structure had to be stabilised for this work to take place and required the engineer present at all times. During the project, SPSenvirowall ensured materials and technical support were readily available to satisfy the requirements of the customers, contractor and home owner and most importantly suitability to the system built property itself.
The works have comprised of a structural engineers investigations, some new windows and External Wall Insulation to the old nontraditional built centre. We hope that our works will help to reduce the running costs and provide a more comfortable environment for the user of the busy facilities.

Merthyr Town Case Study
SPSenvirowall ensured materials and technical support were readily available to the
refurbishment project of Merthyr Town