Morriston Hospital has undertaken major redevelopment in recent years, transforming the hospital’s old buildings and bringing them up to date with new facilities which are in keeping with 21st century medicine.
Clients, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board placed a large investment for the Morriston Hospital site which has resulted in a modern, fresh look healthcare facility.
The Challenges
Due to the scale of the project, the Morriston redevelopment had unique challenges as the construction was to be carried out alongside the everyday life of the existing hospital. It was vital to patients, staff and visitors that disruption was kept to a minimum.
SPSenvirowall was able to accommodate and overcome the issues surrounding the extremely busy, well used public building through effectively managing timely deliveries and through the design of the external wall insulation system which was easy and quick to install by our approved installer Manorcraft.
For phase 2 of the re-development, 3,500m2, we recommended 160mm mineral wool to secondary steel frame with a silicone finish which provided an excellent fire retardant solution, essential for public buildings resulting in a modern updated healthcare facility for Abertawe.

Morriston Hospital Case Study
For phase 2 of the Morriston Hospital re-development, 3,500m2 of mineral wool
to secondary steel frame with a silicone finish was supplied from SPSenvirowall.